Diagnosis - Spiritual disease

A few months ago a friend in our church asked if I could talk to a colleague of his, a professional man, who was going through a particularly depressing time. I phoned him up and he came round for a meal. After that he came round to our home most days where we talked, walked and played pool. His life was falling apart. His wife no longer wanted him. He had been dismissed from his job. He was drowning his sorrows in strong drink. Emotionally he was a real mess. He was desperate and just wanted to run away. He kept saying he was going to kill himself. He had never had any connection with a church.

He had seen many doctors and psychologists but none had helped him. Anti-psychotics had made him feel worse. At one time his GP had suggested that his problem might be a spiritual one but offered no answer except more pills. However that suggestion was the key that led to discussions about how the Lord Jesus could change his life if only he was willing to start living as God wants. Jesus could forgive all the sin that separated him from God and would give him the gift of His Spirit to empower him to live a new type of life. After some weeks, in our kitchen, he asked the Lord Jesus to help him and forgive him. However there was no immediate change. He still wallowed in his problems and was angry at everyone. The one noticeable change was that he started to come to church and joined in a Bible Study group. He then began to develop an appetite to read and understand the Bible. Then he made the decision to turn his back on the way he had been living and start doing what God wanted of him. That week he came to the Church prayer meeting. He started to send his friends texts with Bible passages that excited him. He became a new man. He knows Colossians 1:21-23 by heart. He loves to tell people how it is the Lord Jesus who has forgiven him and is changing his life.

He now has a new job, he is paying off his debts and relationships with old friends are being restored. Everyone who knows him appreciates the extraordinary change in his character, lifestyle and ambitions. In spite of increasing busyness he recognises that he must continue to live with his Lord’s priorities. At our ‘one to one’ Bible study this week he recognised the importance of Jesus’ instructions,

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be yours as well.” Matthew 6:33

His doctor was right. He did have a profound spiritual problem with depressive symptoms. What a shame that his doctor couldn’t or wouldn’t prescribe the right remedy.


“I’m going through a rough time!”