Training Our Children to be Godly

Children growing up today have only a faded cultural understanding of our Christian heritage, and often a very warped view of that.

Some children were playing in the garden with their dolls and teddies. On teddy fell ill and in spite of the children’s best medical efforts he died. So they held a funeral. A small hole was dug in the ground and one boy, who thought he knew about these things, took on the role of the minister. He stood there grandly and pronounced,

“To the Father,

To the Son,

And to the hole he goes.”

He clearly did not know about the Holy Ghost.

More serious was the question a boy in Camberwell asked, with all seriousness,

“Why was Jesus given a swear word for a name?”

It is not surprising therefore that when exciting riots are offered on Facebook or Twitter, with the promise of free clothes, shoes and electrical goods, many give in to the temptation – why shouldn’t they?

Chuck Colson is an American who was in President Nixon’s inner Cabinet. He was heavily involved in the Watergate scandal and went to prison for the part he played. But he became a Christian at this time and since his release has spent his life helping others sort themselves and their families out. He set up the ‘Prison Fellowship’ to help those who had been and were in prison.

When visiting the United Kingdom, Chuck was invited to Buckingham Palace. Prince Philip asked him,

“What can be done about crime here in England?”

Chuck replied,

“Send more children to Sunday School”.

Prince Philip thought he was joking but Colson told the Prince of a study by a sociologist, Christy Davies, which found that, in the first half of the 1800s, British society was marked by high levels of crime and violence which dropped dramatically in the late 1800s and early 1900s. What had changed an entire nation’s character?

Throughout the nineteenth century attendance at Sunday Schools rose steadily till, by 1888 a full 75 per cent of children in England were enrolled. Since then attendance has fallen off with a corresponding increase in crime and disorder. So Chuck summarised to the ~Prince,

“If we fill the Sunday Schools we can change hearts and restore society.”

Out of love for our children we must teach and train them to become ‘wise’ people. One of King Solomon’s early proverbs reads,

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.’

Please would you consider bringing your children to a Sunday school where the Bible is taught. Would you commit yourselves to reading a bible story and praying with your children every day? If you are unsure about Christian matters yourself why not find a church that runs Christianity Explored, Alpha or Christian Basics suppers? These are geared for those who are uncertain about the importance of Jesus Christ and any questions can be asked in an informal atmosphere.



Who is Safe - in God’s Eyes?


“The Truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth”